Who we are

On a mission to better share wealth.

Flovver quinoussommes sharing v3

We empower progress in financial services by making sharing money accessible to all.

Our progressive and forward-thinking ecosystem was designed to have a profound impact, going beyond financial transactions.
Our Story

Shared with others

Flovver's journey began with a profound mission—to empower progress in financial services and ensure that the act of sharing money becomes accessible to everyone. Since our humble beginning in 2020, we embarked on a journey to redefine the lending landscape through technology. A few years later, after managing 1.5 billion dollars in transactions, we are proud to say we are getting closer to our ideal.

Our purpose is to create innovative financial solutions that humanize how wealth is shared, creating equal opportunity for everyone who wants to improve their financial well-being. With every innovation, we strive to make the lending process a corner stone of wealth generation, for both the lender and the borrower.

As we move forward, we hope to reinforce our role as a catalyst for positive change, unlocking new progressive opportunities that create a future where better wealth-sharing practices lead to true financial well-being and a more sustainable future for all.

Our culture

We are value-driven and on a mission to create new models that lead to better wealth sharing practices.
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Our vision

Leading change in fintech innovations

We believe in the transformative power of better lending and wealth sharing practices. To reimagine financial solutions that not only drive positive environmental and social impacts but also adhere to the highest governance standards.

Flovver quinoussommes partagerichesse

Our team

Envisioning the future of sharing wealth with like-minded individuals.
Flovver Jim 2024

Jimmy Beauregard

Co-founder, CEO
Flovver david 2024

David Delaby

Co-founder, CGO
Flovver JP2 2024

Jean-Philippe Charbonneau

Flovver do 2024

Donald Beauregard

Associate, CFO
Flovver anton 2024

Anton Shestakov

Flovver Adam2 2024

Adam Martin-Côté

Flovver Max 2024

Maxime Desjardins

Flovver ian 2024

Ian Reid Langevin

Flovver seb 2024

Sébastien Beauregard

VP Sales
Flovver janou 2024

Janou Prévost

Project Manager and Marketing Coordinator
Flovver edward 2024

Edward Le Barbenchon

Development Team Lead
Flovver dave 2024

Dave Cloutier

Software Developer, Customer Success Specialist
Flovver felix 2024

Félix Bilodeau-Chagnon

Intermediate Developer
Flovver jc 2024

Jean-Claude Amyot

Senior Developer
Flovver sly 2024

Sylvain Larek

Senior Developer
Flovver ld 2024

Louis-David Benjamin

Junior Developer
Flovver isabelle 2024

Isabelle Tétreault

Accounting Assistant

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